10 Signs to Spot a Liar

Researchers claim that our instinct for detecting lies is fairly strong. Being able to detect lies is a valuable asset. Watching FBI officers read the body language and facial expressions to detect lies in TV shows and movies have made us further keen regarding the matter. Some people have the instinct to detect lies. For those of us who are not so good at it, there is science. There are numerous signs we can look for while trying to detect a lie. According to psychologists, it’s easier to detect a liar if you know how that person acts normally. It’s because it will be easier for you to track the eye movements, facial expressions and body language.

A familiar liar.

1. Watch Their Eyes: Deep Gazing Eyes

When someone is lying to you, they will make quick eye movements before responding to a question. This is their natural instinct to find a escape. Also, they might gaze at you intensely without blinking much or blinking bit too much, in an attempt to appeal that they are telling being honest with you.

Lying people gaze intensely without blinking2. Breathing Pattern: Breathing will Get Heavy

Whenever someone starts lying, their heart rate and body flow changes, usually due to nervousness and fear. This causes the breathing pattern to change as a course of reflex action. When someone is lying, their breathing will start getting heavy and they will raise their shoulders.

3. Repeating their Own Words

Liars are trying to convince you, along with themselves, about a certain thing. Since, they are trying to convince themselves, they will repeat the exact words, often times without even realizing it. Repeating the words or phrases is also a desperate attempt to buy some time to gather their thoughts and attempt to be further more convincing.

4. Giving too much Information

Some people have the tendency to go overboard with the details of the incident. Unless it’s natural, this is one of the distinguishing traits of the liars. Liars often build up a story in their head preparing themselves an alibi, which causes them to talk excessively and unnecessarily. Liars try to persuade others to believe them, and talk a lot in the process. This is usually distinguishable and gives them away.

5. Poker Face and Still Body

Poker Face is a sign of liar

When someone is lying, they often maintain a blank face with no emotions at all. This is mostly out of fear of giving themselves away with false emotions. Also, their body is really still. Hand movements and body language in a relaxed manner is normal when having a conversation, but, liars tend to be too self-conscious, and try too hard to conceal themselves. On the contrary, they might do the entirely opposite and constantly fidget.

6. Fidgeting their Body

Lying produces nervous energy and the fear of being caught puts them at discomfort. Someone who is lying will constantly fidget with their own body or random stuffs they can find. Most common things to fidget over is their handkerchief, chair, keys, or a part of their body.

7. Look for Micro-expressions

A micro-expression is a brief expression, which comes out naturally and cannot be helped. When a liar is trying to conceal themselves, look closely for these micro-expressions. It might last only for a blink of an eye, but if you can catch that, it will help you find out what that person is really feeling. Whether it’s anger, happiness, frustration, it will appear for a fraction of a moment, whether suggested by the twitch of their eyebrows, or parting of lips and so on.

8. They touch their face and vulnerable body parts

Liars can’t find anything to do with their hands and they instinctively touch their vulnerable body parts. First reaction of a liar would be to touch his mouth, which is literally trying to shut off communication. Also, they instinctively touch their throat, head, abdomen, often subconsciously, whatever helps them concentrate to gather thoughts.

9. Voice Patterns: Speaking in Slower or Faster tone

Voice patterns can act as good lie indicators. But, you must be well aware about the normal voice pattern of the person in order to tell the difference. When someone is lying, they might tend to talk in a slower or faster tone. Stuttering or stammering, out of ordinary, might also suggest that the person is lying.

10. Ask them to repeat the story

If you want to find out if someone is lying, ask them to repeat their story. Regardless, if you know any different version of the story or not, tell them to repeat their version. It’s harder to keep track of the details when they are not true. Also, if you missed on some facial expressions and body language, this is your chance to carefully observe the person.