10 signs your soul is waking up
Soul awakening is something that can be gained by going deeper and beyond the mind. Soul awakening is unfathomable as it cannot be explained nor can be understood by using brains. To understand enlightenment/ soul awakening,…
Myths About Watching TV
The pros and cons of watching television have been debated ever since its inception. By now, it has been abundantly clear that watching television itself is not disastrous, but in fact it depends on what you…
What Not to Feed Dogs
Some food items should never to be given to your dog. Even though they are perfectly healthy for you, these foods are very harmful and may be poisonous to your dogs. These foods can sometimes even…
The Color Symbolism Blue
Blue is one of the most loved color among majority of people. It is the color of the sky, ocean and water. This color has many different shades ranging from the pale ones to the dark…
How to Make the Most of your Weekends
Weekends seem to pass unbelievably fast. One minute you are thinking its Saturday Tomorrow and baam! You don’t know what you did, except it’s already Sunday evening and you have got a ton of things to…
10 Myths about Old People
It is obvious that with age, human body slowly degrades over time leaving the lasting effects in the physical and mental health of a person. Old people are comparatively weaker than their own former self and…
DIY Coffee Scrub to Reduce Stretch Marks
A morning starting with coffee can be a perfect kick-off of the day. But coffee can be more than just a drink. Coffee is rich in anti-oxidant, anti-cellulite and anti-inflammatory elements which can give you best…
Why your organization needs a corporate chair massage
You’ll agree with me when I say: Unhappy employees can cost your company millions. It is found that happy employees are almost 12% more productive than others. So, keeping your employees happy should be your number…
How not to be late
Being late is one of the worst characteristics anyone could have. The only thing being late proves is that you are irresponsible, lack organizational skills and disrespectful towards other’s time. Its not about the occasional lateness…
How to Handle Talkative Person
We all encounter few of those Sir Talk-a-Lots, or Ma’am Talk-a-lots, who just don’t know when to shut up. And, it’s impossible to handle them, or get away from them. This is especially tough when it’s…
How to Lie Convincingly
Lying in itself is a talent. While the general idea is to go with the truth, nothing but the truth, lies can definitely come in handy once in a while, right? The point is we shouldn’t…
Similarities Among Leadership and Psychopathic Traits
The traits of an effective leader are always admired and there are countless books and articles on how to acquire these traits of a leader. While people are always keen to learn about these leadership traits,…
5 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Person
Emotional abuse, unlike physical abuse, can be difficult to notice. Even the ones who are on the receiving end might not be aware of it. There is also a good chance the person doing it might…
10 Different Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus
Apple cider vinegar contains components – magnesium, calcium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2 etc , which are beneficial for relieving infections. It also helps clear the sinus cavities by thinning out the collected…
8 Reasons Why People Procrastinate
The best of us procrastinate. It’s an extra-ordinary trait of human kind, we can just put off any kind of work for later and find a perfect excuse to convince ourselves. From the simplest of daily…
10 Signs to Spot a Liar
Researchers claim that our instinct for detecting lies is fairly strong. Being able to detect lies is a valuable asset. Watching FBI officers read the body language and facial expressions to detect lies in TV shows…
Apple Cider Vinegar for Teeth
Apple Cider Vinegar presents wide range of benefits like treating cold symptoms, diabetes, heart problems, cancer, high cholesterol, weight loss and more. Effectively, apple cider Vinegar (ACV) can be also used for treating various teeth problems….
Biggest Marijuana Myths
Marijuana’s place in the civilized society has been debated countless times. Despite the lack of any decisive conclusion, the series of States in America slowly legalizing the “herb” for medicinal uses and Marijuana already being legal…
13 Signs to Identify a Stoner
As an occasional “recreational” marijuana consumer myself, I often wonder about how many of my co-workers smoke weed and who is high right now? It does not necessarily take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that mystery,…
What is it like to Smoke Weed
The debate between those who claim Marijuana is harmless – should be legal, and those who claim it should remain illegal for good has been going on forever. People are gradually beginning to accept the health…
Why Quitting Smoking is so Hard
Everyone knows Smoking is injurious to health. This phrase(or similar phrases) are printed in every cigarette packet out there and every advert that promotes cigarettes. And, yet there are millions of people who smoke around the…
7 Signs you are in a Dead-End Job
In today’s economy, getting a job itself is a challenge. Despite the required qualification and experience, we have insignificant amount of choices when it comes to deciding on the industry and the position we are hired…
9 Ways to Get on Someone’s Nerves
Let’s admit it, getting on someone’s nerve can be so much fun. We have all done it. And we are not ashamed of it. In fact, we are so proud of it we boast about it…
8 Things to Do As Teenager
Teenage is a wonderful phase of life, but only if you know how to live it right. Many of the teenagers see teenage as a stressful and confusing period. If you are among one of them,…
Effective ways to keep children away from gadgets
None of us would like to see our children wasting their time, putting unnecessary effort and ruining their health over gadgets. Yet, in this rapid changing hi-tech world, we certainly cannot prevent our children from using…
Surprising Beauty Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Skin
There are several benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and it holds surprising remedy for health ailments including skin health. A lot of people use apple cider vinegar as a part of their every day beauty routine….
8 Gift Wrapping Fails that will Make You Cringe
Planning the perfect gift for your loved ones this holiday season? Just remember that its not only about the gift but also how you wrap it. Don’t screw it up like these people did and lose…
What should you not take during a Hangover
Hangovers are a common thing, especially with New Year on the rise. The parties are going to lineup and each day after one is going to be painful, literally. As common as hangovers are, it seems…
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Dandruff Problem
Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems faced by many people. It is a condition in where you get flaky skin on the scalps resulting in the urge to itch, frequently. Though the problem…