Are you an Introvert

Ever wondered why some people are just not that into group conversations or seem detached when in social situations? Or is it you who prefer to spend your weekends curled up with a good book rather than going out to meet people? There is really nothing to worry about. You just happen to be an introvert.

Are you an Extrovert!

Does an interesting conversation with friends or colleagues or even strangers make you feel lively? Do you feel like you need to talk it out with people when something has been bothering your mind? Well, these are two of the most obvious characteristic traits of an extrovert. Extroverts are the talkative bunch in a group of friends, the social butterflies, the life of the party and the ones who always have something to say.

How to Stop Being Socially Awkward

Don’t you wish you could be a social butterfly? Or at least, be someone who doesn’t stumble with words and panic whenever someone strikes up a conversation with you. You wouldn’t be reading this article if you didn’t. You feel uncomfortable and nervous in social situations because you tend to, absentmindedly, do or say something inappropriate that makes you look like someone who missed Social Skills 101.

Introvert vs Extrovert

There are distinctive traits which can help you identify whether you are an introvert or an extrovert.

Tips to Help You Clean Up After New Year’s Party

New Year – New beginning, it’s bound to begin with one hell of a celebration. You must have thought of some New Year resolutions, like last year. If there’s anything to learn from your last New Year’s party, the first resolution to take up is not losing your mind during the after-party clean up.

25 Interesting Quotes To Build Your Confidence

Every one of us suffers from low self-confidence once in a while but you don’t need to feel this way all time. Confidence is a life skill and can be built over time. A few words of encouragement can sometimes give a quick boost of confidence. Here are 25 interesting quotes that might help you in your journey to becoming a confident person.

How to Fake Confidence

Who doesn’t want to feel confident all the time? Confident people are admired and envied by all. They attract attention and it seems like success comes to them easily, without them falling apart and worrying about making mistakes like the rest of us. Confidence is a skill and there are ways to build it over time. There is, however, an easier way to feel confident.

Confidence vs. Arrogance The Fine Line between Confidence and Arrogance

The line between confidence and arrogance is paper-thin. Your confidence can come off as arrogance or smugness to other people. Likewise, arrogance is also sometimes mistaken for confidence. Being confident means believing your worth, without needing constant appraisal from others.

How to Stop Procrastinating

There is a thing or two that you really should get to but you’re on the internet instead, watching YouTube videos and liking photos on Facebook. This is a nuisance that all of us deal with every once in a while-more than we would like to admit-when there is a tedious task that needs our attention like sending an email, cleaning the dishes or writing that essay.

How to Quit Smoking Weed

Weed, a slang name of Marijuana is a dry, greenish-brown and ragged mixture of leaves, flowers, seeds and stems from the Cannabis plant. It consists of the major ‘psychoactive’ compound named delta9tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. When marijuana is smoked, the chemical passes from lungs to blood and other organs including the brain. How is weed used? … Read more