Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Acne

Aloe Vera – Miracle plant, is a herbal medicine for treating various kinds of health problems. It holds 75 naturally active compounds and natural dietary fiber that help in healing process.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Skin

Aloe Vera contains 75 naturally active substances (including amino acids, vitamins and minerals) is also famously known as plant of immortality. Another important compound found in aloe vera is Saponin, a natural cleanser, which is the key ingredient that helps to get rid of skin problems. It has properties like that of a soap along … Read more

Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects

Aloe Vera (AV) is a small branch less plant from the class ‘Aloe’. People have been consuming this plant for thousands of years as a remedial source for various health and beauty related problems. Due to this property of Aloe Vera, it is known as the ‘miracle plant’ or ‘natural healer’ all around the globe. … Read more

Aloe Vera for Hair Treatment

Aloe Vera has been used as a medicinal herb since the ancient times. Also named as ‘Natural Healer’ due to the numerous health benefits it holds for the user. It is used as sun-screen, constipation reliever, ease heartburn due to gastritis, the list goes on and on. Other than these optimal uses one would be of remedy for hair related problems. Definitely, all of us would love to have glossy and shiny hair and Aloe Vera is the perfect solution.

Benefits of Aloe Vera juice

Aloe Vera (AV) is a moist short stem-less plant from the species ‘Aloe’, first found in North Africa. This plant is also named as ‘Natural Healer’ or the ‘Miracle Plant’. The best thing about this plant is that it can grow in an extensive variety of climates and is indestructible until and unless the roots are drowned or get totally damaged. This plant can even endure the freezing cold temperature to scorching heat.

Health Benefits of Red Cabbages

The purplish color and peppery flavor of red cabbage are the result of two essential cancer-preventing substances. Because of its sulfur-based compounds, it has the peppery flavor and the color is the result of chemical. Regardless of the color of cabbages you select: green or red, both hold low calories and nutrients though the compounds differ. A cup of cabbage supplies 4 percent of the vitamins as well as minerals which is recommended percentage for daily intake.

Health Benefits of Green Cabbage

Regardless of the color of cabbages you select- green or red or purple, all of them hold a lot of nutrition. However, the compounds of these cabbages differ from one another. A cup of cabbage supplies 4% of the vitamins as well as minerals which is recommended percentage for daily intake.

Red cabbage vs Green cabbage

Red and green cabbages are two diverse cabbage varieties that hold similar flavor. The only difference is that red cabbage has peppery taste than green.

Cabbage Juice for Peptic Ulcer

Cabbage is a seemingly usual yet greatly nutritious vegetable. Packed with elements that strengthen your immune system and keeps you healthy. It helps to prevent and fight various health conditions ranging from headaches to cancer.

How Much Sleep Do You Need

Sleep is one of the basic needs for good health. Humans spend one third of their entire lives sleeping. The need of sleep is very high as optimal functioning of the body is only possible with good amount of sleep. The right amount of sleep recommended vary as per the studies and differ from person to person. Sleep can be taken as a vital indicator of health of a person, as the brain and body maintain itself during that time.